PYC 3704
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PYC3704 - exam prep 100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2021
- $7.09
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PYC3704 – Psychological Research

Topic 1

Inferential Statistics – concerned with inferring numerical properties of statistical populations from

sample data


 Accounts for facts and suggest how they are related to each other. A framework of ideas that

provides an explanation of something

 The theory – if true – implies what we should observe under certain specific circumstances

Psychological research:

Testing theories of human behaviour / testing of theories against ...
Exam (elaborations)
PYC3704 - exam prep 100% CORRECT
Last document update:
PYC3704 – Psychological Research 
Topic 1 
Inferential Statistics – concerned with inferring numerical properties of statistical populations from 
sample data 
 Accounts for facts and suggest how they are related to each other. A framework of ideas that 
provides an explanation of something 
 The theory – if true – implies what we should observe under certain specific circumstances 
Psychological research: 
Testing theories of human behaviour / testing of theories against ...
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