NRSG 2010
Chamberlain College Nursing
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NRSG 2010Patient rights Case study
- Case • 5 pages • 2022
- $14.49
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Patient Rights Case Study

You are a staff nurse working on a busy medical/surgical unit. Several days ago you cared for a

patient, an 80-year-old retired nurse. This patient’s daughter comes to you to complain about a

staff nurse taking care of her mother this evening. The patient had requested a stronger analgesic

for a headache caused by a cerebral hemorrhage due to a high INR related to Coumadin therapy.

The physician ordered the medication at noon, and by 3 PM it had not yet been admi...
NRSG 2010Patient rights Case study
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Patient Rights Case Study 
You are a staff nurse working on a busy medical/surgical unit. Several days ago you cared for a 
patient, an 80-year-old retired nurse. This patient’s daughter comes to you to complain about a 
staff nurse taking care of her mother this evening. The patient had requested a stronger analgesic 
for a headache caused by a cerebral hemorrhage due to a high INR related to Coumadin therapy. 
The physician ordered the medication at noon, and by 3 PM it had not yet been admi...
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