NURSING NU1426 Pharmacology Exit HESI
Chamberlain College Nursing
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NURSING NU1426 Pharmacology Exit HESI
- Other • 21 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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Nurse should observe most closely for drug toxicity when a client receives med that has what characteristic Nurse is conducting DC teaching about anti-anxiety drug diazepam (valium) Nursing inst ruction most important for patient on Zyloprim Client getting Tofranil (Imipramine) Magnesium antidote Patient with hyperthyroidism taking inderal (propanalol) Medication dosing-heparin 25000 units at 7ml/hr doctor changed rate to 900 units what is the Med was ordered 100mg in 4 divided doses in 24 hours...
NURSING NU1426 Pharmacology Exit HESI
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Nurse should observe most closely for drug toxicity when a client receives med that has what characteristic Nurse is conducting DC teaching about anti-anxiety drug diazepam (valium) Nursing inst ruction most important for patient on Zyloprim Client getting Tofranil (Imipramine) Magnesium antidote Patient with hyperthyroidism taking inderal (propanalol) Medication dosing-heparin 25000 units at 7ml/hr doctor changed rate to 900 units what is the Med was ordered 100mg in 4 divided doses in 24 hours...
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