Chamberlain College Nursing
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Test Bank for CHAPTER 8 The Muscular System
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2022
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- $7.49
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Which of the following is NOT a function of muscle tissue? 
A) Heat production 
B) Regulation of organ volume 
C) Vitamin D production 
D) Body movements 
E) Body position 
Answer: C 
1 The structure made of dense irregular connective tissue that holds muscle fascicles together and separates them into functional groups is 
A) epimysium. 
B) endomysium. 
C) perimysium. 
D) superficial fascia. 
E) deep fascia. 
Answer: C 
1 Each muscle fibers is covered by 
A) superficial fascia. 
B) deep fascia. ...
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