Week 6: Midweek
Chamberlain College Nursing
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nursing materials
- Package deal • 8 items • 2021
- $9.19
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A client with depression remains in bed most of the day, and declines activities. Which nursing
problem has the greatest priority for this client?
A. Loss of interest in diversional activity.
B. Social isolation.
C. Refusal to address nutritional needs.
D. Low self-esteem.
The RN is preparing medications
Week 6: Midweek Comprehension Quiz
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $7.99
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Question 1 
2 / 2 pts 
According to the lesson, a pregnant female can usually feel fetal movement by how 
many weeks gestation? 
6 to 10 
15 to 17 
11 to 14 
*18 to 24 
The examiner can usually feel movements externally after 24 gestational weeks; the 
mother can usually feel these by 18 to 24 weeks. The maternal sensation of fetal 
movement is traditionally known as “quickening.” 
Question 2 
2 / 2 pts 
According to the lesson, being aware of one's own existence, feelings, and thoughts 
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