SPD 521 (SPD521)
Grand Canyon University
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Key Components in Collaboration and Consultation Template Donna O'Connor Grand Canyon University SPD 521 Professor Vanessa Peel
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
- $8.99
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Key Components in Collaboration and Consultation Template 
Donna O'Connor 
Grand Canyon University 
SPD 521 
Professor Vanessa Peel
SPD 521 Key Components in Collaboration and Consultation Template {Grand Canyon University}

SPD 521 Week 2 Assignment co-teaching model and paraeducator action plan - Grand Canyon University CoTeaching Model: Definition and Visual of Model Advantages and Disadvantages Instructional Strategies Positive Effects Responsibility and Accountability 1.
- Other • 9 pages • 2023
- $12.99
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SPD 521 Week 2 Assignment co-teaching model and paraeducator action plan - Grand Canyon University 
CoTeaching Model: Definition and Visual of Model Advantages and Disadvantages Instructional Strategies Positive Effects Responsibility and Accountability 1. One Teaching, One Observing One teacher has primary responsibility, and the other conducts detailed observational reports on teaching pupils or workers. The secret to this approach is to have a visual orientation (Treahy, & Gurnagus, 2010). Te...

SPD 521 Collaboration and Communication Action Template- Grand Canyon
- Other • 6 pages • 2023
- $6.49
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Collaboration and Communication Action Plan Template PART 1: ACTION PLAN Background on Student Concern: Long-term Goal: John will participate with all the students in small groups as well as in class discussions with the leadership of the ELA teacher Ms. Griedl for 80% of the classroom educational time each week for the remainder of the school year. Short-term Goal 1: John will use ELL/ESL strategies within the classroom setting to interact and work with peers in small group activities. Impl...

SPD 521 Collaboration and Communication Action Template- Grand Canyon
- Other • 6 pages • 2023
- $6.99
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Collaboration and Communication Action Plan Template PART 1: ACTION PLAN Background on Student Concern: Long-term Goal: John will participate with all the students in small groups as well as in class discussions with the leadership of the ELA teacher Ms. Griedl for 80% of the classroom educational time each week for the remainder of the school year. Short-term Goal 1: John will use ELL/ESL strategies within the classroom setting to interact and work with peers in small group activities. Impl...

WK 1 SPD 521 Key Components Template
- Essay • 9 pages • 2022
- $7.99
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WK 1 SPD 521 Key Components Template 
1.	What historical and theoretical foundations have influenced collaborative school consultation? 
2.	What positive outcomes can result from well-implemented collaborative school consultations? 
3.	How can the diversity of co-educators be an advantage when working in teams? How can the diversity of co-educators benefit students in creating a safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environment? 
4.	Co-educators can have wide variations in their profes...

Clinical Field Experience B: Collaboration with the Community
- Case • 5 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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Collaboration with the Community 
For this assignment I observed and collaborated with Cynthia Martinez, a special 
education teacher at Ronald Reagan Elementary School in the Desert Sands Unified School 
District. Mrs. Martinez is a Specialized Academic Instructor (SAI) teacher providing push in coteaching in general education classrooms and small group learning in her classroom. She also 
carries cases for fourth and fifth graders. We collaborated over the various supports that the 
school dis...

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