Cognitive Neuropsychology
Walden University
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Psych 371-Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience-2021
- Exam (elaborations) • 39 pages • 2023
- $19.49
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Psych 371-Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience-2021
Cognitive Neuropsychology
- Other • 36 pages • 2021
- $5.48
- 1x sold
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Cognitive Neuropsychology 
The aim of cognitive psychology is to learn more about the mental information-processing systems that people use when engaged in such cognitive activities as producing or understanding language, recognizing objects or faces, acting skillfully, retrieving information from memory, doing mental calculations, and so on. There are two ways of carrying out such research. One is to study people who have acquired skill in these cognitive activities and who perform them well. T...
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