INTRODUCTION TO MATERNITY (Introduction to Maternity Pediatric)
Walden University
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Test Bank - Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 7e (Leifer 2015) With Answer Elaborations
- Exam (elaborations) • 321 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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Chapter 01: The Past, Present, and Future 
1. A patient chooses to have the certified nurse midwife (CNM) provide care during her pregnancy. What does 
the CNMs scope of practice include? 
a. Practice independent from medical supervision 
b. Comprehensive prenatal care 
c. Attendance at all deliveries 
d. Cesarean sections 
The CNM provides comprehensive prenatal and postnatal care, attends uncomplicated deliveries, and ensures 
that a backup physician is available in ca...
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