NURS 6501N Week 3 Quiz – Advanced Pathophysiology
Walden University
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Exam (elaborations) NURS 6501N Week 3 Quiz – Advanced Pathophysiology
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $10.49
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NURS 6501N Week 3 Quiz – Advanced Pathophysiology 
A 72-year-old male demonstrates the left-sided weakness of upper and lower extremities. The symptoms lasted 24 hours and resolve with no evidence of infarction. The patient most likely experienced a(n): 
When a patient has a peculiar sensation that immediately precedes a seizure, what term should the nurse use to describe this sensation? 
The nursing student would correctly identify the most common symptom of brain abscess as: 
A 15-year-old...
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