NURS 6560 Final Exam: Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II
Walden University
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NURS 6560 Final Exam: Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care Settings II
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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NURS 6560 Final Exam: Advanced Practice Care of Adults in Acute Care 
Settings II 
A patient with suspected Cushing’s syndrome is being evaluated to establish the 
diagnosis and cause. Patients with an adrenal tumor typically will demonstrate: 
A. Low ACTH and low cortisol 
B. Low ACTH and high cortisol 
C. High ACTH and low cortisol 
D. High ACTH and high cortisol 
Question 2 
Pneumatosis, or gas cysts, may form in the wall anywhere along the gastrointestinal 
tract; in some cases, they wi...

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