Pesticide Applicator
186Th Street Elementary
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Pesticide Applicators Practice Exam and answer correct 100% sure. Lowering the humidity of stored grains and other food products to reduce damage from mold is an example of which type of pest management method? - ANSWER-a. Physical/environmental modificat
- Exam (elaborations) • 21 pages • 2024
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- $10.49
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Pesticide Applicators Practice Exam and answer correct 100% sure. 
Lowering the humidity of stored grains and other food products to reduce damage from mold is an example of which type of pest management method? - ANSWER-a. Physical/environmental modification (correct) 
b. Biological. 
c. Mechanical. 
d. Regulatory pest control. 
Which statement is true about cultural control practices? - ANSWER-a. Sanitation is not considered a cultural practice. 
b. Cultural controls involve the release of...
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