California Southern University
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- BMC Answers 2020/2021, Complete solutions BMC Answers (Bloomberg) 2020/2021, Complete solutions (A+ guide) 1
- BMC Answers 2020/2021, Complete solutions University of Massachusetts, Lowell. BMC Answers (Bloomberg) 2020/2021, Complete solutions (A+ guide) University of Massachusetts, Lowell. 3
- BMC Answers 2020/2021, Complete solutions University of Massachusetts, Lowell. 2
- BMC Economic Indicators Answers 2021 1
- BMCAns 1
- Neuroscience NURS101 1
- NR 452 NR452 1
- NR 500 NR 500 1
- NR 511 NR 511 2
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- NSG 516 NSG 516 2
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- NSG 6020 NSG 6020 1
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- NSG6005 NSG6005 7
- NSG6005 Week 3 NSG6005 1
- NUR 211L NURS211L 1
- NUR 2488 NUR 2488 4
- NUR 2755 1
- NURS 230 NURS 230 1
- NURS 3335 1
- Nursing RN101 108
- NURSING 034275 VATI Pharmacology 8
- NURSING 101 1
- NURSING 446 1
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Latest notes & summaries California Southern University
Which of the following statements is/are consistent with the Christian belief that humanity was created in the image of God: 
a. The Bible specifically mentions that man was created in the image of God but says nothing about women 
b. Humanity has remnants of the character of God such as the capacity to love and create 
c. Humanity is a physical reflection of God's physical form 
d. Humans were created with both a spirit and a body and are spirit being like God 
e. Both b. and d. 
e. both b. an...
1. List the three Christian views of creation as given in the lecture, and a brief description of each. 
Young earth 
Old earth 
Theistic evolution 
Young earth: 
God created the world in 6 days and the earth is around 6,000 years old (or no specific attempt is made to determine the young age of the world) 
Old earth: 
Generally, advances that the earth is about 4.6 billion years old and that life appeared in stages 
Theistic evolution: 
Life evolved by a process God guided 
List three analogies for worldview used in Chapter 1 of the textbook 
"Worldviews are like the foundation of a building" 
"Worldviews are also like the lenses found in eyeglasses that serve as the means through which a person sees the world" 
"Worldviews are also like the image on the top of a jigsaw puzzle's box." 
List the various definitions and descriptions of worldview found in the textbook and lecture. 
"A worldview is a foundational set of assumptions to which one commits th...
What worldview does not believe in anything supernatural? 
What makes up a worldview? 
-A foundation set of assumptions 
-a set of assumptions that affect how we think and live 
-A comprehensive perspective from which we interpret reality 
Which analogy is not used in the textbook? 
A personal library 
What belief believes that does exists but does not have any human affairs? 
Which of the following is noted for spiritualism but not for belief in a persona...
What directions did Jesus' life take? 
Jesus didn't have a great reputation and he was a servant. He had the same appearance and likeness of other men, and was obedient even while on the cross. 
What scripture does John 1:1-3 seem similar to? 
Genesis 1 
How is Jesus similar to Moses and David? 
Israel expected a great leader like Moses who would lead them out of bondage. In addition, they hoped for a king like David, who would strengthen the fortunes of Israel and who would establ...
Belief based only on the natural or physical realm with no spiritual or supernatural 
Young Earth View 
God created the world in 6 days and the earth is around 6,000 years old (or no specific attempt is made to determine the young age of the world) 
The first act of the biblical story where God made everything that exists out of nothing 
Literally, means "first Gospel." Refers to the redemptive statement in Genesis 3:15 
- the belief/worldview that there is no God 
- a major wv family which views reality as including a view of God which is impersonal in nature 
- the belief that there is a God and God exists, but not on a personal level. the belief that there is a force, not a person 
- there is a God, and the belief that God exists on a personal level 
- view of God which does not see Him as interacting with the created order in a supernatural way...
Belief based only on the natural or physical realm with no spiritual or supernatural 
Belief that "all is god" and a strong sense of spiritualism but not in a personal God 
Belief in a personal and relational God who created and sustains all that exists 
Belief in a God who created all things but is not relational or involved in the world 
The Coherence Test 
all the beliefs in the worldview agree with each other 
The Corresponde...
God's mission 
Flows out of His character 
God's mission is characterized by: 
Sending and serving 
You may have found your purpose if: 
Your work is both meaningful and enjoyable. 
In Romans 8:28-29, which of the following is NOT mentioned as God's purpose for Christians? 
That they can be happy and wealthy 
Within the context of Christianity, faith and belief involve 
Action and behavior 
Discipleship is 
The Holy Spirit 
Helps people grow in thei...
A unique characteristic of Christianity in comparison with other religions is which of the following 
christianity offers good news of what God has done for us in giving his son to die for our sins and the gift of salvation 
God mission flows out of his character 
Jesus said the two great commandments were which of the following 
Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself 
in which of the following two people evaluate their worldview based on faith an...