NUR 306 (NUR 306 - OB simulation (100% correct).)
California State University - Polytechnic University, Pomona
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NUR 306 - OB simulation (100% correct).
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2020
- $15.49
- 1x sold
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NUR 306 - OB simulation (100% correct)/NUR 306 - OB simulation (100% correct). 
1. How should you proceed with the interview? Ask about feelings (Correct) 
2. What follow up question would increase your understanding of the situation? Ask about important 
person in life (Correct) 
3. Using Naegele's rule, what is the expected date of birth? Ask more questions (Correct) 
4. How do you respond to Maddy's low blood pressure? Confirm it's normal (Correct) 
5. What is your response to whether the ...
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