California State University - San Bernardino
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Latest notes & summaries California State University - San Bernardino
CSE 180 Module 14: Security Quiz 2: CSE 180: Computer Literacy (2020-2021 Fall - A)
CSE 180 Module_12__Quiz_Algorithm_CSE_180__Computer_Literacy__2020-2021_Spring_A
CSE 180 Module 13_ Security Quiz 1_ CSE 180_ Computer Literacy (2020 -2021 Spring - A)
CSE 180 Module_7__Bonus_Quiz__1__HTML_CSE_180__Computer_Literacy__2020-2021_Spring_A
CSE 180 -Module 16_ Final Exam_ CSE 180_ Computer Literacy (2020-2021 Spring - A)
NURS 541 Comprehensive Assessment Completed Shadow Health/NURS 541 Comprehensive Assessment Completed Shadow Health/NURS 541 Comprehensive Assessment Completed Shadow Health
NURS 541 Comprehensive Assessment Completed Shadow Health GRADED A+ / NURS 541 Comprehensive Assessment Completed Shadow Health GRADED A+
Behavioral Neuroscience, Eighth Edition 
S. Marc Breedlove and Neil V. Watson 
Chapter 2: Functional Neuroanatomy: The Nervous System 
and Behavior 
Multiple Choice 
1. Synaptic vesicles are found in the 
a. cell body. 
b. dendritic spines. 
c. axon hillock. 
d. synaptic boutons. 
Answer: d 
Textbook Reference: Specialized Cells Make Up the Nervous System 
Bloom’s Level: 1. Remembering 
2. Which neurons can collect the most information? 
a. Bipolar 
b. Monopolar 
c. Multipolar ...