Biology 124
California State University - San Francisco State University
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Exam (elaborations) BIOLOGY 124
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2021
- $9.49
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Question	Marking Guidance	Mark	Comments 
	1.	(Reference to) hydrolysis of peptide bonds; 
2.	Endopeptidase act in the middle of protein/polypeptide 
Endopeptidase produces short(er) polypeptides/ increase number of ends; 
3.	Exopeptidases act at end of protein/polypeptide 
Exopeptidase produces dipeptides/amino acids; 
4.	Dipeptidase acts on dipeptide/between two amino acids 
Dipeptidase produces (single) amino acids;	4	Accept chain/chain of amino acids/peptide for polypeptide 
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