Humanities 1A (HUM 1A)
California State University - San Jose State University
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Class notes for lecture 10 Aristotle on how to be happy for Humanities Honors Program at San Jose State.
Class notes for lecture 9 Thucydides and Athenian Imperialism for the Humanities Honors Program at San Jose State.
Class notes for lecture 8 Ancient Rhetoric for Humanities Honors Program at San Jose State
Class notes lecture 7 Plato's Republic for the Humanities Honors Program at San Jose State
Class notes for lecture 6 Ancient Greece and Its Neighbors of the Humanities Honors Program at San Jose State
Class notes from lecture 5 From Pre-Socratic Philosophy to Socrates of the Humanities Honors Program at San Jose State University
Class notes for lecture 3 Aegean Art and Culture of the Humanities Honors Program at San Jose State.
Class notes for Lecture 3 of Humanities Honors Program at San Jose State first semester.
Class notes lecture 2 on North Africa, Egyptian History, Culture, and Arts.
Class notes Lecture 1 on Ancient Africa of the Humanities Honors Program at San Jose State.

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