M2L2 Earthquake 2 – Determination of Epicenter Honors
Chamberlian School of Nursing
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Exam (elaborations) M2L2 Earthquake 2 – Determination of Epicenter - Honors
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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[NOTE TO STUDENTS: This exercise assumes that you have a data table and graph made 
while using the Earthquakes 1 – Recording Center Gizmo™. If you do not have those, or 
have never used that Gizmo before, do that first.] 
Vocabulary: body wave, earthquake, epicenter, fault, focus, P wave, S wave, seismic wave, 
seismogram, seismograph 
Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.) 
Three dogs meet in a park. Each dog is attached by a leash to its owner (triangles). 
What does...

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