MECHANIC 102 The Managerial Process ANSWER KEY SOL
Chamberlian School of Nursing
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MECHANIC 102 The Managerial Process ANSWER KEY SOL
- Exam (elaborations) • 37 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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1. Information to develop a project network is collected from the A. Organization breakdown structure B. Work breakdown structure C. Budget D. Project proposal E. Responsibility matrix 
The network is developed from the information collected for the WBS and is a graphic flow chart of the project job plan. 
AACSB: Reflective Thinking Bloom's: Comprehension Learning Objective: Developing the Project Network Level: Easy 
2. Which of the following represents an activity on an AON project network? A...
MECHANIC 102 The Managerial Process ANSWER KEY SOL
- Exam (elaborations) • 37 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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1. Information to develop a project network is collected from the A. Organization breakdown structure B. Work breakdown structure C. Budget D. Project proposal E. Responsibility matrix 
The network is developed from the information collected for the WBS and is a graphic flow chart of the project job plan. 
AACSB: Reflective Thinking Bloom's: Comprehension Learning Objective: Developing the Project Network Level: Easy 
2. Which of the following represents an activity on an AON project network? A...
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