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Exam (elaborations) Module 1 Homework 1 Clayton and Willihnganz Pharmacology Ch 20 and 21 EAQ HW (NG) Module 1 Homework 1 Clayton and Willihnganz Pharmacology Ch 20 and 21 EAQ HW (NG)Calculate the body mass index (BMI) of a patient whose height and weight
- Exam (elaborations) • 42 pages • 2022
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Exam (elaborations) 
Module 1 Homework 1 Clayton and Willihnganz Pharmacology Ch 20 and 21 EAQ HW (NG) 
Module 1 Homework 1 Clayton and Willihnganz Pharmacology Ch 20 and 21 EAQ HW (NG)Calculate the body mass index (BMI) of a patient whose height and weight are 66 inches (167.7 cm) and 125 pounds (56.7 kg) respectively. Rationale Calculate the body mass index by dividing the patient’s weight in pounds by his or her height in inches squared and multiplying the result by a conversion factor of 7...
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