Applied Sciences
Liberty University
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Applied Sciences Section 2
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
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Applied Sciences Section 2
1. Where did the Broad Street outbreak of cholera take place?
a. New York
b. Chicago
c. London
d. Paris
Correct. The Broad Street outbreak of cholera occurred in the SoHo area of London.
2. According to the text, what did Edwin Chadwick focus much of his government work
a. living conditions of the poor
b. building affordable housing
c. creating jobs for the poor
d. providing access to clean water
3. The majority of the scientific community in this era ...
Exam (elaborations)
Applied Sciences Section 2
Last document update:
Applied Sciences Section 2 1. Where did the Broad Street outbreak of cholera take place? a. New York b. Chicago c. London d. Paris Correct. The Broad Street outbreak of cholera occurred in the SoHo area of London. 2. According to the text, what did Edwin Chadwick focus much of his government work on? a. living conditions of the poor b. building affordable housing c. creating jobs for the poor d. providing access to clean water 3. The majority of the scientific community in this era ...
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