Sociology Of Health And Illness (SOC130)
Palomar Community College
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Sociology of Health and Illness Discussion Board posts
- Judgments • 9 pages • 2022
- $9.49
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This document include all of the questions and my responses to the discussion board forums of my SOC 130: Sociology of Health and Illness class. Each response is over 200 words long and each question is in relation to the health, illness that affects every individual.

Sociology of Health and Illness notes
- Class notes • 13 pages • 2022
- $10.09
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This document consists of both my lecture notes and notes pertaining to the course material, including notes of documentaries and supplementary readings of SOC 130: Sociology of Health and Illness. It is an amazing and intriguing class, which I definitely recommend to those who are interested in studying medicine and for those who are interested in supporting the disabled community.

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