Pepperdine University
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Latest notes & summaries Pepperdine University
Student Exploration: DNA Profiling Vocabulary: DNA polymerase, DNA profiling, gel electrophoresis, gene, mutation, non-coding region, polymerase chain reaction, primer, short tandem repeat Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.) In 1985, Darryl Hunt was convicted of murder. While Hunt was in jail, a new method for analyzing DNA evidence was invented. The DNA evidence on the victim did not match Hunt’s DNA but did match that of another prisoner. After 19 years spent behind ...
BIOLOGY 145 HESI Case Studies Medical Surgical-Traumatic Brain Injury (Jeff Dickson).BIOLOGY 145 HESI Case Studies Medical Surgical-Traumatic Brain Injury (Jeff Dickson).
NURSING MISC Amelia Sung post simNURSING MISC Amelia Sung post simNURSING MISC Amelia Sung post simNURSING MISC Amelia Sung post simNURSING MISC Amelia Sung post simNURSING MISC Amelia Sung post sim