PAR 100 All Quizes Combined
San Diego Community College
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PAR 100 All Quizes Combined (LATEST UPDATE ) Graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 237 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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PAR 100 All Quizes Combined 
Block 1 
Volume 1 Quiz 8 
1.	Adequate perfusion depends on: 
a.	The presence of oxygen in blood 
b.	Adequate production of carbon dioxide 
c.	Blood pressure and the presence of oxygen in the blood 
d.	Blood pressure 
2.	The type of blood that may be administered to all people in an emergency, regardless of their blood type is, 
a.	AB positive 
b.	O positive c. O negative 
d. AB negative 
3.	Which of the following is a response to histamine releas...
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