RN 46
San Joaquin Valley College
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Exam (elaborations) RN 46 Detailed Answer Key RN 46 C9 Pharmacology

Detailed Answer Key RN 46 C9 Pharmacology
- Exam (elaborations) • 54 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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1.A nurse is caring for a client who has active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and is to be started on intravenous 
rifampin therapy. The nurse should instruct the client that this medication can cause which of the following adverse 
A. Constipation 
Rationale: Rifampin does not cause constipation. More common gastrointestinal effects are diarrhea and 
B. Black colored stools 
Rationale:It is most commonly iron supplements that cause stools to turn black, not rifampin. 
C. Staini...

RN 46/RN46 C9 Pharmacology - Detailed Answer Key. Questions & Answers. A Graded.
- Exam (elaborations) • 54 pages • 2021
- $15.49
- 2x sold
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1. A nurse is caring for a client who has active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and is to be started on intravenous 
rifampin therapy. The nurse should instruct the client that this medication can cause which of the following adverse 
A. Constipation 
Rationale: Rifampin does not cause constipation. More common gastrointestinal effects are diarrhea and 
B. Black colored stools 
Rationale: It is most commonly iron supplements that cause stools to turn black, not rifampin. 
C. Stai...

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