University Of California - San Diego
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Latest notes & summaries University Of California - San Diego
Math 20A, an introductory course in Calculus I, covers fundamental concepts that form the basis of mathematical analysis and problem-solving. The course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in differential and integral calculus. Here is a comprehensive summary of the key topics covered in the Math 20A course: This is the entire comprehensive notes for the class, all that you will need for the vital information to excel in your exams.
An in-depth analysis of the following texts: 
1. “Deep Play” by Clifford Geertz 
2. The Goddess and the Computer 
3. “The Anthropology Of Magic” by Susan Greenwood 
4. “Behavior, Belonging, and Belief” by Marshall 
5. “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” by Miner 
6. “The Bare Facts of Ritual” by J. Z. Smith 
Which have all been covered in the first half of the quarter and present on the first midterm for Anthropology 1: Introduction to Culture, at UCSD. 
Grade Received on the M...
Lists the location, diet, activity pattern, locomotion, social organization, reproduction, and notable features of all families and species of strepsirrhines. 
Families included: Lorise, Galagidae, Daubentoniidae, Lemuridae, Indriidae, Cheirogaleidae, Lepilemur 
Species included: Loris, Potto, Galagos (bushbabies), Aye-Aye, Bamboo, Ruffed, Ring tailed, True lemurs, Indri, Sifaka, Avahi, Dwarf , Mouse, Sportive Lemur
Political Science - International Relations Roeder 
WEEK 4: Why do some states fight and others cooperate? 
Lecture 7: Realists on Power and Strategy 
Lecture 8: Foreign Policies: Theories of Foreign Policy II?
Political Science - International Relations with Professor Roeder 
Week 3: Lecture 5: Has the Long Peace Ended? 
Was the cold war not a period of conflict and rather a period of peace? 
What Makes Some States More Aggressive than Others?
Political Science - International Relations with Professor Roeder 
WEEK 2: Why was there conflict in the past? 
Lecture 3: Origins of WWII 
Lecture 4: Origins of the Cold War
Week 1 of POLI 12 (international relations) class notes. Lecture 1: Background to Origins of World War I and Lecture 2: Why Did Europe Slip into the First World War?
This document takes in-depth notes of class lectures, taking great note of highlighted information and events in history that were essential to the course.