Organic chemistry (CHEM322a)
University of Southern California
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This is an in-depth summary of Bruice Chapter 6 that reviews key concepts, terms, and examples that will help you attain mastery of the content.
This is an in-depth summary of Bruice Chapter 2 that reviews key concepts, terms, and examples that will help you attain mastery of the content.
This is an in-depth summary of Bruice Chapter 3 that reviews key concepts, terms, and examples that will help you attain mastery of the content.
This is an in-depth summary of Bruice Chapter 2 that reviews key concepts, terms, and examples that will help you attain mastery of the content.

Bruice Chapter 2-6 Summaries
- Summary • 2 pages • 2023
- $10.49
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These are a series of Bruice Summaries that cover Chapters 2-6 and align with course material taught in CHEM 322a during the first weeks of instruction. Here you'll find definitions, explanations, and various examples to help you attain mastery of this introductory material.

Organic Chemistry by Paula Yurkins Chapter 17-Reactions at the alpha-Carbon
- Package deal • 2 items • 2022
- $12.49
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This collection of notes covers all of Chapter 17 of Paula Yurkins' Organic Chemistry textbook. The most pertinent topics covered involve reactions at the alpha-carbon of carbonyl compounds, enols and enolates, and alpha-beta unsaturated carbonyl compounds as well as important corresponding reactions each type of compound.

Class notes for Ch. 17 Part 2 Organic Chemistry by Paula Yurkins
- Class notes • 7 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $8.49
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This is my second part of Chapter 17 and these notes cover the complex aldol reaction as well as some of its variants. This also goes over alpha-beta unsaturated aldehydes and ketones and their specific types of addition reactions.

Class notes Part 1 Chapter 17 of Organic Chemistry by Paula Yurkins
- Class notes • 6 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $8.49
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This document covers the first half of Chapter 17: Reactions at the alpha-Carbon of Carbonyl Compounds, Enols and Enolates, and alpha-beta Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds. These notes were taken from lecture and start from a description of the reactivity of such compounds and certain reaction that coincide with them.

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