Experience Overview: FOCUSED EXAM: COUGH Patient: Danny Rivera Digital Clinical Experience
Walden University
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Experience Overview: FOCUSED EXAM: COUGH PatientWalden UniversityNRNP 509Cough
- Case • 4 pages • 2021
- $13.49
- 1x sold
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Patient: Danny Rivera 
Digital Clinical Experience Score 
Beginning Developing Proficient 
Subjective Data 
20 out of 20 
Objective Data Collection 
12.8 out of 13 
Education and Empathy 
3 out of 5 
Interaction with patient 
287 minutes 
Post-exam activities 
22 minutes 
309 minutes total spent in assignment 
Student Performance Index 
35.8 out of 38 
Proficiency Level: Proficient 
Students rated as “proficient” demonstrate an entrylevel expertise in advanced practic...

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