NURS 6512N 34 Advanced Health Assessment Week 11 Final Exam (NURS 6512N-34 Week 11 Final Exam)
Walden University
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NURS 6512N-34 Advanced Health Assessment Week 11 Final Exam, Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2021
- $60.00
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NURS 6512N-34 Advanced Health Assessment Week 11 Final Exam, Graded A: 
1)Q: During chest assessment, you note the patient's voice quality while auscultating the lung fields. The voice sound is intensified, there is a nasal quality to the voice, and the e's sound like a s. This sound is indicative of: 
2)Q: As Mr. B. enters the room, you observe that his gait is wide based and he staggers from side to side while swaying his trunk. You would document Mr. B.'s pattern as: 
3)Q: Diabetic peri...

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