NURS 223L Psychiatric Nursing Process Workshee
West Coast University
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NURS 223L - Psychiatric Nursing Process Worksheet. (NURS223LPSYCHIATRICNURSINGPROCESSWORKSHEET.)
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2022
- $12.49
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NURS 223L - Psychiatric Nursing Process Worksheet week 3. 
Student Name: NAME HERE	Date 04/24/20 
Client History: 
Name (initials only): _VR_ Age: _57_ Gender: _F_ Unit: _PSYCH	Date of Admission: 04/24/20 	 
Current Legal Status (Vol., 5150, 5250, Conservatorship, T-Con): Suspected voluntary admission, Family still care for patient. “Grandson and niece that is her support system and Power of Attorney” 
Psychiatric Diagnosis: Dementia, Depression and Anxiety 

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