CAMS L130: Murmur of mitral valve disease in small
Colorado Academy Of Veterinary Technology
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CAMS L130: Murmur of mitral valve disease in small dogs with dyspnoea
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2024
- $14.99
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CAMS L130: Murmur of mitral valve disease in small dogs with dyspnoea 
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CAMS L130: 
What should be your approach to assessing cardiac murmurs in dogs and 
-murmur type/location 
-presenting history 
-physical exam 
**if they're asymptomatic, 
you need to determine 
whether or not it's pathologic 
**if they're coughing, 
you need to determine 
whether it's cardiac or respiratory 
**if they're dyspneic, 
you need to determine 
whether it's C...

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