12707 (eng101)
Middlesex Community College
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Mother tongue Amy Tan essay questions
- Other • 1 pages • 2023
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Answer the questions below. Use the essay for support of your answers. You can use small quotes. (less than 10 words) You should introduce your evidence by saying, in the essay Tan says, whether you use a small quote or you paraphrase. To paraphrase is to put the information into your own words. You should use both in the response. Both need an in text citation. The in text citation which is the author’s last name.
Mother tongue Amy Tan essay questions
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Answer the questions below. Use the essay for support of your answers. You can use small quotes. (less than 10 words) You should introduce your evidence by saying, in the essay Tan says, whether you use a small quote or you paraphrase. To paraphrase is to put the information into your own words. You should use both in the response. Both need an in text citation. The in text citation which is the author’s last name.
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