Post University
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Latest notes & summaries Post University
This assignment instructs the student to write a pre-litigation letter and to include the necessary information to move forward with a case while showing an understanding of the text.
This is an in-depth analysis of the meaning behind the poem "I Hear America Singing" by the famous poet Walk Whitman. This essay shows the comprehension the student has for the mechanics of the literary piece.
This is a Unit 1 assignment that shows the student's comprehension of the plot within a literary work. Referring to "Little Red Riding Hood," this essay goes over and beyond in the explanation of the plot in this story.
The student is to answer two questions pertaining to the Miller v. North Stamford case showing an understanding of the mechanics of the case.
In this assignment, the student is expected to demonstrate an understanding of how primary laws are created and knowledge of other primary sources of law.
This is an assignment given to show comprehension of the mechanics of a story. The plot, setting, climax, and end are expected to be clear in the student's own personal fictitious story.
This is a plot summary of the famous Walt Whitman poem, "I Hear America Singing." This assignment shows the student's understanding of a plot as part of a literary work.
This has in text citation.
Essay ENG 130: Literary Response for Setting 
This assignment focuses on your ability to: learn how to interpret the literary device of setting 
and how it affects the character of the story/poem. 
The purpose of completing this assignment is: as a student, in your career, and individual 
lives, you will often need to look beyond the plot and summary of what you are reading and put 
a different spin on it. An example of this might be interpreting data and the varying components 
of how that data...