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Yale University
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HESI V2 2021 EXIT EXAMdocx
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2021
- $10.49
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HESI V2 2015 Exit Exam 
1.Compart Syndrome 
Answer: Click on toes 
2. Defibulator patches 
Answer: Under the left breast and on top of the right breast 
3. Video of Incentive Spirometer 
Answer: Encourage her to continue inhaling slowly 
4. Video lung Sounds 
Answer: Wheezing 
5. Hypomagnesaemia 
Answer: Roasted Almonds 
6. Soft diet 
Answer: Scrambled Eggs with potato 
Pasta with cream sauce 
7. Math Answer: (1000,14,0.33, 1.9 and 0.75) 
8. Hot Spot, which exit chronic hypoxia 
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