General Biology (BIO 101)
Howard University
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Test bank Campbell Biology (11th Revised Edition) Textbook
- Exam (elaborations) • 1244 pages • 2023
- $7.09
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Campbell Biology, 11e (Urry) Chapter 1 Evolution, the Themes of Biology, and Scientific Inquiry 1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 1) Cells are . A) only found in pairs, because single cells cannot exist independently B) limited in size to 200 and 500 micrometers in diameter C) characteristic of eukaryotic but not prokaryotic organisms D) characteristic of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms Answer: D Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 1.1 2) In comparison to eukaryot...
Test Bank for Human Genetics 12th Edition by Lewis
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2021
- $5.39
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What Is in a Human Genome? MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1) Genetics is the study of A) Variation of inherited traits. B) How organisms reproduce. C) How life originated. D) How the environment causes disease. Answer: A Section: 01.01 Topic: Genes and genomes Bloom's: 01. Remember Learning Outcome: 01.01 Explain what genetics is and what it is not. 2) In which choice are the entries listed from smallest to largest? A) DNA building block - gene - chromosome - genome B) DNA bui...
Test Bank for Stern's Introductory Plant Biology, 14e (Bidlack)
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2021
- $5.19
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Chapter 1 What Is Plant Biology? 1) The early scientist who first demonstrated experimentally that plants do not have the same modes of nutrition as animals was A) Nehemiah Grew. B) Carl Willdenow. C) Alexander von Humboldt. D) Sir J. D. Hooker. Test Bank for Stern's Introductory Plant Biology, 14e (Bidlack) E) J. B. van Helmont. Answer: E Topic: Diversification of Plant Study Bloom's: 1. Remember Learning Outcome: 01.04 List the aspects of botany with which each of the m...
Test Bank for Introduction to Microbes and Their Building Blocks
- Exam (elaborations) • 33 pages • 2021
- $5.29
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Chapter 1 Test Bank for Introduction to Microbes and Their Building Blocks 1) When humans manipulate the genes of microorganisms, the process is called ________. A) bioremediation B) genetic engineering C) epidemiology D) immunology E) taxonomy Answer: B Section: 01.01 Topic: Microbial Roles; Basics of Genetic Engineering Bloom's: 01. Remember ASM Topic: Module 04 Information Flow ASM Objective: 04.05 Cell genomes can be manipulated to alter cell function. 2) Which of...
Chapter 2: The Biological Perspective
- Exam (elaborations) • 69 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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Quick Quiz 1 1. Two types of glial cells, called and , generate myelin. a) occipital; lobitical b) oligodendrocytes; Schwann cells c) occipital; Schwann d) oligodendrocytes; lobitical 2. neurotransmitters make it more likely that a neuron will send its message to other neurons, whereas neurotransmitters make it less likely that a neuron will send its message. a) Excitatory; inhibitory b) Inhibitory; excitatory c) Augmentation; depletion d) Depletion; augmentation 3. Which of the foll...
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