CON 124 (CON124)
National Defense University
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Exam (elaborations) CON 124 (CON124) / CON 124 Exam 1 2023.
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023
- $10.49
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CON 124 Exam 1 
Your score is 92.00% 
1. What is the key document in a procurement request (PR) package? 
Requirement Description 
 Purchase Request 
Funding Data 
Inspection and Acceptance Criteria 
What are the possible methods that can be used to disseminate information on proposed contract actions? 
Circle all that apply. 
a. Preparing periodic handouts listing and displaying proposed contracts 
b. Placing unpaid advertisements via internet 
c. Assisting l...
CON124 Contract Planning Exam study guide, Part C( GRADE A)
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2022
- $8.49
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4. For apparent solicitation improprieties, the protest must be filed before bid opening in sealed bidding 
under FAR Part 14, or: 
A: before the closing date for receipt of proposals under FAR Part 15 
5. You are reviewing the past performance information for a prospective contractor, but there is a lack of 
relevant performance history. What are you prevented from doing? 
A: Rating the offeror favorably or unfavorabl
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