PSY 370
Lynn University
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Case PSY 370 Case Study - Borderline Personality Disorder
- Case • 10 pages • 2021
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Case PSY 370 Case Study - Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder 2 - Unfolding Case Study | Complete

UNFOLDING Clinical Reasoning Case Study History of Present Problem: Karen West is a 26-year-old single female who was admitted to the mental health unit this morning (0200) for a possible overdose of pills following a fight with Steve, her boyfriend of six months. Steve shared that Karen flew into a rage when he suggested that she “slow down” on her drinking at a p...
Case PSY 370 Case Study - Borderline Personality Disorder
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Case PSY 370 Case Study - Borderline Personality Disorder 
Borderline Personality Disorder 2 - Unfolding Case Study | Complete 
UNFOLDING Clinical Reasoning Case Study History of Present Problem: Karen West is a 26-year-old single female who was admitted to the mental health unit this morning (0200) for a possible overdose of pills following a fight with Steve, her boyfriend of six months. Steve shared that Karen flew into a rage when he suggested that she “slow down” on her drinking at a p...
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Do you wonder why so many students wear nice clothes, have money to spare and enjoy tons of free time? Well, they sell on Stuvia! Imagine your study notes being downloaded a dozen times for $15 each. Every. Single. Day. Discover all about earning on Stuvia