Miami Dade College
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NUR 1211 - Med- Surg Final Exam Study Guide.

- Exam (elaborations) • 84 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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UWORLD -MATERNAL & CHILD NURSING. Supine hypotensive syndrome occurs when the weight of the abdominal contents compresses the vena cava causing decreased venous return to the heart. This results in low cardiac output (maternal hypotension) and reflex tachycardia. Manifestations include dizziness, pallor, and cold and clammy skin. The client should be immediately repositioned onto the right or left side until the symptoms subside. Prevention of this condition includes using a wedge under the...
NUR 1211 HESI for Health Assessment/NUR 1211 HESI for Health Assessment/NUR 1211 HESI for Health Assessment

HESI RN Health Assessment & Physical Examination 2021
- Exam (elaborations) • 27 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $17.74
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HESI RN Health Assessment & Physical Examination 2021-1) The nurse hears bilateral louder, longer, and lower tones when percussing over the lungs of a 4-year old child. What should the nurse do next? a) Palpate over the area for increased pain and tenderness. b) Ask the child to take shallow breaths and percuss over the area again. c) Refer the child immediately because of an increased amount of air in the lungs. d) Consider this a normal finding for a child this age and proceed with the exa...

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