NUR 2460C
St Johns River State College Orange Park
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NUR 2460C:Hemorrhage Sim work PC
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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NUR 2460C:Hemorrhage Sim work PC 
Questions for Placenta previa 
1.	What is the presenting symptom of a mother with placenta previa? 
-	Sudden, bright red, painless bleeding from the vagina is the most common symptom, some women have cramps too. 
2.	Describe major or complete placenta previa. 
-Complete is when the placenta completely covers the top of the cervix and a C-section must be performed as vaginal delivery could result in death of the mother and/or fetus. 
3.	What self-care measures ma...
NUR 2460C:Hemorrhage Sim work PC
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2021
- Free
- 1x sold
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NUR 2460C:Hemorrhage Sim work PC 
Questions for Placenta previa 
1.	What is the presenting symptom of a mother with placenta previa? 
-	Sudden, bright red, painless bleeding from the vagina is the most common symptom, some women have cramps too. 
2.	Describe major or complete placenta previa. 
-Complete is when the placenta completely covers the top of the cervix and a C-section must be performed as vaginal delivery could result in death of the mother and/or fetus. 
3.	What self-care measures ma...
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