HESI Psychiatric Mental Health (NUR4739)
University Of Florida College Of Nursing
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Hesi Psychiatric Mental Health V1_2019 | NUR 4739 Hesi Psychiatric Mental Health V1_Rated A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2021
- $14.99
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2019 Hesi Psychiatric Mental Health V1 - 
2019 Hesi Mental Version 1 
1)	If client is taking Antabuse, what should we tell him? 
Client must stop drinking to make Antabuse effective. 
2)	Patient is on Haldol, Cogentin, Depakote, and Tylenol. 
Discontinue Tylenol. 
3)	Why is creatinine ordered as lab? 
To check lithium levels and creatinine in kidney. 
4)	Which patient is at highest risk for suicide? 
Client with divorced parents. 
5)	Client states only had 4 hrs of slee...
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