MKT 421 Marketing Final Exam 100% (MKT 421)
University Of Phoenix
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MKT421 FINAL EXAM 100% Verified Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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1) According to the text, marketing means: 
	A. Selling. 
 	B. Much more than selling and advertising. 
 	C. Producing and selling. 
 	D. Advertising. 
2) For Tesla, a new firm that makes an electric sports car, estimating how many competitors will make electric vehicles and what kinds they will make, is: 
	A. A production activity. 
 	B. One of the universal functions of innovation. 
 	C. An example of the micro-macro dilemma. 
 	D. A part of marketing. 
3) Wh...

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