OPS 571
University Of Phoenix
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OPS 571 FINAL EXAM 3 – YEAR 2018
OPS 571 FINAL EXAM 3 – YEAR 2018

University of Phoenix:OPS 571 Wk.3 - Apply Week 3 Exam,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2022
- $15.49
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University of Phoenix:OPS 571 Wk.3 - Apply Week 3 Exam 
1.	The term "freeze window" refers to the practice of building quality into the process and not identifying quality by inspection. 
2.	According to the theory of constraints, it is wrong for manufacturers to try to match capacity with demand by attempting to balance capacity across a sequence of processes. Unbalanced capacity is better. 
3.	JIT is typically applied to nonrepetitive manufacturing. 
4.	JIT requires a s...
OPS 571 Wk.6 - Apply Week 6 Exam 92-100 Questions With Correct Answers Graded A+.

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