Brenau University
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HESI PEDIATRICS HESI Guide 2. Questions And Answers.
- Exam (elaborations) • 27 pages • 2021
- $9.99
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Pediatrics HESI Guide 2 
 1. Remember: If you know the normal; you are then able to identify what is not normal. 
Blood Pressure 
100 to 160 
30 to 60 
Systolic: 65-95 Diastolic: 30-60 
97.7-99.1 (axillary) 
1 to 11 months 
100 to 150 
25 to 35 
1 to 3 years (toddler) 
80 to 130 
20 to 30 
3 to 5 years (preschooler) 
80 to 120 
20 to 25 
Girls: 91-104/52-66 Boys: 93-107/ 50-65 
97.5-98.6 (axillary) 
6 to 10 years (school age) 
70 to 11...
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