V sim Care Plan (NUR308)
Georgia Institute Of Technology
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V-sim Care Plan for Eva Madison (Core)_2020 | NUR 308 _ V-sim Care Plan for Eva Madison (Core)
- Presentation • 9 pages • 2021
- $14.99
- 5x sold
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V-sim Care Plan for Eva Madison (Core) 
Nursing Diagnosis: 
1.	Deficient fluid volume r/t vomiting & diarrhea as evidenced by tenting on hands, dry mucous membranes, increase in body temperature, increased heart rate, and weakness. 
2.	Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion r/t severe dehydration as evidenced by capillary refill > 3 seconds, increased heart rate, cold extremities, skin tenting, hyperactive bowel sounds, and anuria 
3.	Deficient knowledge r/t unfamiliarity w/ disorder a...
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