BUSI 520 Services, Pricing and Distribution (BUSI520)
Liberty University
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- Essay • 26 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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Q1. Describe the support services needed by buyers of the Apple Watch. Many people in the tech world refer to Apple followers as a cult (McAlone, N., 2015). Many Apple consumers, as myself stand firmly behind the brand and get very excited when Apple produces new products. Apple is known for the quality and pushes the envelope towards technology advancement, and consumers are loyal because of it. Apple has gone above and beyond in customer satisfaction that keeps consumers drawn to the pro...

- Essay • 26 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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Q1. Describe the support services needed by buyers of the Apple Watch. Many people in the tech world refer to Apple followers as a cult (McAlone, N., 2015). Many Apple consumers, as myself stand firmly behind the brand and get very excited when Apple produces new products. Apple is known for the quality and pushes the envelope towards technology advancement, and consumers are loyal because of it. Apple has gone above and beyond in customer satisfaction that keeps consumers drawn to the pro...

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