NUR 500
Liberty University
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NUR 500 exam elaborations for all chapters
- Exam (elaborations) • 295 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Discovering the World of Nursing Research Test Bank
1. Nurses with a bachelor’s degree in nursing can participate in the implementation of evidencebased protocols in practice. This means that the BSN nurse a. Develops evidence-based guidelines
b. Designs research studies, on which protocols may be based
c. Evaluates and revises evidence-based protocols
d. Contributes practice wisdom when applying protocols in patient settings
e. Mentors PhD researchers in the clinical ...
Exam (elaborations)
NUR 500 exam elaborations for all chapters
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Discovering the World of Nursing Research Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Nurses with a bachelor’s degree in nursing can participate in the implementation of evidencebased protocols in practice. This means that the BSN nurse a. Develops evidence-based guidelines b. Designs research studies, on which protocols may be based c. Evaluates and revises evidence-based protocols d. Contributes practice wisdom when applying protocols in patient settings e. Mentors PhD researchers in the clinical ...
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