RLGN 104 Test 1 (RLGN 104 Test 1)
Liberty University
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RLGN 104 Test 1 Liberty University RLGN 104 test 8 Complete solution
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2021
- $8.49
- 1x sold
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1. In modern society, tolerance is defined as both kindness toward the person and 
acceptance of all their viewpoints. 
2. The existence of evil has historically been the most common objection to 
the belief in God. 
3. Powell addresses two arguments against the existence of God because of 
the existence of evil. They are: 
4. A person who holds to traditional tolerance would respect the opinions of people they disagree with as 
well as support the person’s ideas they believe are false 
5. Acc...

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