Liberty University
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- Exam (elaborations) • 23 pages • 2023
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AQA SOCIOLOGY YEAR 1 REVISION EXAM NOTES 2023 GUARANTEED A+++. Sociology Year 1 Families and Households Topic 1-Couples What is a family? What is a household? Family- Involves monogamous marriage between a man and woman and their children, who all live together. But this definition rules out other formats such as unmarried cohabiting couples, who others would see as family. Other definitions of family might be the idea that any arrangements that those involved see as family, is family....

Soci 205 Exam 2 (Cohn) Exam 2023 with complete solution
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
- $10.79
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1. rural landlessness (Jeffrey Paige and reading): increses liklehood for rural upbringing agriculture is a big deal, but labor is not spread evenly 2. Samuel Huntington: Third wave- switch from wanting democracy to dictator- ship bc they are tired of ineffective democracy. Then they hate dictatorship and want democracy. 3. 3 authors that started the fundamentals of sociology (founding fathers): 1. Karl Marx 2. Weber 3. Durkheim 4. What makes Marxism appealing? (5): -Money is an important ...

Sociology 205 Cohn Exam 2 (final) 2023 With complete solution
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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1. Steven Pinker has a book called . The book described .: "Better angels of our nature" convincing argument that crime and violence have gone down worldwide 2. 3 lowest crime rate countries? why is each is so low?: Switzerland, Singa- pore, Japan Swiss = everyone has guns, well regulated Singapore & Japan: nobody has guns 3. 3 ways of measuring crime: looking at published statistics, Self-report, Victim- ization study 4. how to prove that a measure is reliable?: test it multiple times 5...

Sociology Final| 120 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023
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The average pay of a CEO today is ___ times that of the average worker CORRECT ANSWERS: 350 The Occupy Wall Street movement exemplifies James Davies' theory of revolution which predicts that social change comes from ___ CORRECT ANSWERS: Middle Class Collective Behavior is ___ CORRECT ANSWERS: Not institutionalized and Voluntarily Engaged Participants of an LGBT Pride event would typically be an example of an ___ CORRECT ANSWERS: Expressive crowd The difference between a mass and...

- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2022
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Polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry are all forms of serial monogamy. correct answer: False What is tracking? correct answer: The practice of placing students in specific curriculum groups on the basis of test scores and other criteria. In large developing nations, the most socially significant mobility is correct answer: the movement out of poverty. Unlike race or gender, age is not socially constructed. correct answer: False Racism is defined as correct answer: belief that one r...

- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2022
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culture correct answer: - learned, tradition/customs, beliefs (norms, practices, religion), language - Culture = Human - Nature (things untouched by human hands) - Anything that is transformed by humans (broad definition) - Latin: cultum ("to cultivate or to grow") - Growth of culture linked to settling down, planting, building structures material Culture correct answer: transform/create as humans; can touch (ex./ paper) non-material Culture correct answer: create as humans; canno...

- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2022
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SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT SOCIOLOGY EXAM 1. Discuss 15 factors that influence interaction at the work place. i. Leadership and management. Leadership and management refers to the administrative structure of a work place or institution. Different people in a given workplace may have different roles whereby one may hold a more superior or higher position than another and therefore the way a person would interact with a colleague within the same level is not the same way they woul...

- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2022
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SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT SOCIOLOGY EXAM 1. Discuss 15 factors that influence interaction at the work place. i. Leadership and management. Leadership and management refers to the administrative structure of a work place or institution. Different people in a given workplace may have different roles whereby one may hold a more superior or higher position than another and therefore the way a person would interact with a colleague within the same level is not the same way they woul...

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