NURS 6501 (NURS 6501)
Mercer University
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NURS 6501 Week 4 Scenario | NURS6501 Chapter 4 Scenario - Mercer County
- Summary • 4 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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NURS 6501 Week 4 Scenario - Mercer County

Alterations in the Pulmonary System

An 11-year-old boy is accompanied by his mother to receive medical attention for wheezing and difficulty breathing. The patient explains that when he is physically active while playing baseball, the symptoms are worst but improves upon cessation. Furthermore, patient symptoms are becoming worse, while also at rest. The patient lives in an apartment building with an allergy to cat dander. Upon auscultation assess...
NURS 6501 Week 4 Scenario | NURS6501 Chapter 4 Scenario - Mercer County
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NURS 6501 Week 4 Scenario - Mercer County 
Alterations in the Pulmonary System 
An 11-year-old boy is accompanied by his mother to receive medical attention for wheezing and difficulty breathing. The patient explains that when he is physically active while playing baseball, the symptoms are worst but improves upon cessation. Furthermore, patient symptoms are becoming worse, while also at rest. The patient lives in an apartment building with an allergy to cat dander. Upon auscultation assess...
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