Advanced Health Assessment (NURS 6512N)
South University
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Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care4
Joyce E. Dains, Linda Ciofu Baumann, Pamela Scheibel
3 documents
Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care
Joyce E. Dains, Linda Ciofu Baumann, Pamela Scheibel
1 documents
Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care
Joyce E. Dains, Linda Ciofu Baumann, Pamela Scheibel
1 documents
Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care
Joyce E. Dains, Linda Ciofu Baumann, Pamela Scheibel
1 documents
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Health Assessment Exam 1 Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 24 pages • 2023
- $12.99
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what are the components of the nursing process correct answer: assessment, diagnosis, outcome identification, planning, implementation, evaluation 
subjective data correct answer: what the person says about there self's during history taking 
objective data correct answer: what you as the health professional observe by inspecting, percussing, palpating, and auscultating during the physical exam 
assessment correct answer: collect data, use evidence based assessment techniques, documen...

NURS 6512N Final Exam 16 - Question and Answers (With 97 out of 100 score))
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2021
- $30.49
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NURS 6512N Final Exam 16 - Question and Answers (97 out of 100) 
NURS 6512N Final Exam 
1. You are examining Mr. S., a 79-year-old diabetic man complaining of claudication. Which of the following physical findings is consistent with the diagnosis of arterial occlusion? 
2. The adnexa of the uterus are composed of the: 
3. You are conducting a preparticipation physical examination for a 10-year-old girl with Down syndrome who will be playing basketball. She has slight torticollis and mild a...

NURS 6512N Final Exam 15 - Health Assessment (Already Graded, 94 out of 100)
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2021
- $25.49
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NURS 6512N Final Exam (94/100 Points) 
1. If pitting edema is unilateral, you would suspect occlusion of a: 
2. Which cranial nerves are usually evaluated during the examination of the eyes? 
3. It is especially important to test for ankle clonus if: 
4. A finding that is indicative of osteoarthritis is: 
5. A grade IV mitral regurgitation murmur would: 
6. The adnexa of the uterus are composed of the: 
7. The spread of the impulse through the ventricles (ventricular depolarization...

NURS 6512N Final Exam (Exam 14, Already Graded 100/100 points)
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2021
- $30.49
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NURS 6512N Final Exam 14 - Question and Answers (100 out of 100) 
NURS 6512N Final Exam (100/100 Points) 
1. You are conducting a clinical breast examination for your 30-year-old patient. Her breasts are symmetrical with bilateral, multiple tender masses that are freely moveable with well-defined borders. You recognize that these symptoms and assessment findings are consistent with: 
2. The examiner percusses for diaphragmatic excursion along the: 
3. While interviewing a 70-year-old femal...

NURS-6512N-42, Advanced Health Assessment Feb 2020 Exam - Week 11 (With a 95 out of 100 points)
- Exam (elaborations) • 21 pages • 2021
- $25.49
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NURS-6512N-42, Advanced Health Assessment Feb 2020 
Exam - Week 11 
95 out of 100 points 
1. To hear diastolic heart sounds, you should ask patients to: 
2. The finger-to-nose test allows assessment of: 
3. While collecting personal and social history data from a woman complaining of breast discomfort, you should question her regarding: 
4. While interviewing a 70-year-old female clinic patient, she tells you that she takes ginkgo biloba and St. John's wort. You make a short note ...

NURS-6512N-8/NURS-6512C-8-Advanced Health Assessment Winter 2019 Week 11 Final Exam (Already Graded 100 out of 100 points)
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2021
- $35.49
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NURS-6512N-8/NURS-6512C-8-Advanced Health Assessment Winter 2019 Week 11 Final Exam 
100 out of 100 points 
1. Which of the following statements is true regarding the examination of peripheral arteries? 
2. To hear diastolic heart sounds, you should ask patients to: 
3. Inquiry about nocturnal muscle spasms would be most significant when taking the musculoskeletal history of: 
4. It is especially important to test for ankle clonus if: 
5. You are interviewing a 20-year-old patient ...

NURS 6512N Final Exam 11 (Feb 2020) (Already graded 98 out of 100)
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2021
- $30.49
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NURS 6512N Final Exam 12 (Feb 2020 - 98 out of 100) 
NURS 6512N Final Exam with Answers - Week 11 
1. During chest assessment, you note the patient's voice quality while auscultating the lung fields. The voice sound is intensified, there is a nasal quality to the voice, and the e's sound like a s. This sound is indicative of: 
2. As Mr. B. enters the room, you observe that his gait is wide-based and he staggers from side to side while swaying his trunk. You would document Mr. B.'s pattern...

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