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- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
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CHAPTER 5. ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS Which of the following patients would be at higher risk of experiencing adverse drug reactions (ADRs): Infants and young children are at higher risk of ADRs due to: The elderly are at high risk of ADRs due to: The type of adverse drug reaction that is idiosyncratic when a drug given in the usual therapeutic doses is type: Digoxin may cause a type A adverse drug reaction due to nsg 6005 week 2 Sarah developed a rash after using a topical medication. This is a typ...
Exam (elaborations)
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CHAPTER 5. ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS Which of the following patients would be at higher risk of experiencing adverse drug reactions (ADRs): Infants and young children are at higher risk of ADRs due to: The elderly are at high risk of ADRs due to: The type of adverse drug reaction that is idiosyncratic when a drug given in the usual therapeutic doses is type: Digoxin may cause a type A adverse drug reaction due to nsg 6005 week 2 Sarah developed a rash after using a topical medication. This is a typ...
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